Junmai Muroka Genshu
The Queen of Blades craves a Junmai Muroka Genshu! Luckily, Toshimaya Shuzo has her covered with their Juemon Junmai, with it’s dry, complex flavor made right in Tokyo! #sake #sakekampai #saksunday #junmai #genshu #muroka #tokyosake #kerrigan …

The Queen of Blades craves a Junmai Muroka Genshu! Luckily, Toshimaya Shuzo has her covered with their Juemon Junmai, with it’s dry, complex flavor made right in Tokyo! #sake #sakekampai #saksunday #junmai #genshu #muroka #tokyosake #kerrigan #starcraft #sc #kuramotous